T-Factor TCS WINGS1 || Course ID: 72416 BUSINESS SKILLS -TRACK 2 || PART-1 || Fresco Play

Part- 1 || T-Factor Track 1 1. Which principle of persuasion is related to titles, tailors and tune? Answer: D 2. Which of the following statements regarding delegation is false? Answer: B 3. On his first day at work in the DIY Shop, Bill’s manager asked him to sweep the aisles clean. In aisle three, … Read more

TCS iEvolve Course ID: 4869 || Wings 1 – Selenium Solutions || Fresco Play

Wings 1- Selenium Solutions Answer: D 2. FM Which one is a class in Selenium? Answer: A 3. Selenium method to get content which is inside any HTML tags? Answer: A 4. What is the best element locator in selenium webdriver? Answer: A 5. If you want to validate that a button has appeared on … Read more