TCS iEvolve COURSE ID: 64091|| DATA PRIVACY || Fresco Play Answers

iEvolve Course ID: 64091 || Data Privacy 1. What constitutes Personal Information (PI) in all jurisdictions? Answer: A 2. Which of the following is true? Answer: B 3. Which of the following is an example of Personal Information (PI) processing in TCS? Answer: D 4. You were working on something on your system, when you … Read more


Round- 1 || Coding Answers – IBM CodeKnack 1. Write a program to accept a number N and print an immediate perfect square that is greater than N. Read the input from STDIN and print the output to STDOUT. Do not write arbitrary strings anywhere in the program Constraints: i) 0 < N <= 10000 … Read more


Course ID: 21939 || Fresco Play Answers 1. We shall not compromise safety in the pursuit of commercial advantage? Answer: A 2. Our company has recently announced the launch of a new business initiative. In connection with this, your friend who is a journalist with a leading business newspaper has asked you to provide some … Read more

T-Factor TCS WINGS1 || Course ID: 72416 BUSINESS SKILLS -TRACK 2 || PART-3 || Fresco Play

Part-3 || T-Factor Wings-1 1. Which Acronym is related to the GOAL setting. Select the appropriate option? Answer: C 2. Select the options applicable to Agile Mindset? Answer: B, C, E, F 3. Product is the center of the ___________? Answer: D 4. Choose the reason that classify the problem as complex problem? Answer: B, … Read more

T-Factor TCS WINGS1 || Course ID: 72416 BUSINESS SKILLS -TRACK 2 || PART-2 || Fresco Play

Part-2 || T-Factor Track2 1. Which of the following would NOT influence your assessment of data, information or evidence? Answer: D 2. Name the title of the speech of Dr. Martin Luther King is ___________? Answer: A 3. The rule of reciprocity is a social norm in which a person feels obligated to return the … Read more

TCS iEvolve Course ID: 4869 || Wings 1 – Selenium Solutions || Fresco Play

Wings 1- Selenium Solutions Answer: D 2. FM Which one is a class in Selenium? Answer: A 3. Selenium method to get content which is inside any HTML tags? Answer: A 4. What is the best element locator in selenium webdriver? Answer: A 5. If you want to validate that a button has appeared on … Read more

TCS iEvolve COURSE ID-56913|| DIGITAL: CYBER SECURITY PROLOGUE || Fresco Play Answers- Part 2

PART_2: Fresco play Answers Answer: B 2. An error message displayed on the system, symbolizes virus infection? Answer: A 3. The three chains of RADIUS Security are? Answer: C 4. A type of assessment that is often performed in a sandbox-virtual environment to prevent malware from actually infecting production systems is called? Answer: C 5. … Read more

TCS iEvolve Course ID: 67334 || PROCESS : OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY || Fresco Play-PART 2

PART-2: Fresco Play Answers Answer: B 2. In this video what is the most common cause leading to fire? Answer: E 3. Which of the following are electrical hazards? Answer: D 4. If your clothes catch fire, the first thing you should do is Answer: A 5. We should never use water on an electrical … Read more

TCS iEvolve- Course ID: 62297||Basic IP Awareness WBT||Fresco Play- Part 2

Part – 2 || MCQ Answers 1. In a sync-up call, the facilitator does the following: A. Helps adhere to time box and moderates the discussion B. Due to time constraints prefers to focus on key members during the discuss C. Asks participants to playback to ensure message was received as intended. D. Facilitator ensures … Read more

iEvolve Course ID 55938 || Digital Clustering – The Data Ensemble _ FP

iEvolve Course ID 55938 || Digital Clustering - The Data Ensemble

Fresco Play MCQ Answers 1.What is a preferred distance measure while dealing with sets? A. Jaccard B. Cosine C. Manhattan D. Eucledian Answer: A 2. What is the R Function to divide a dataset into k clusters ? A. None of the Options B. kclusters() C. kmeans() D. clusters() Answer: C 3. ___________ of two points is the average of the two points in Euclidian … Read more